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Human skin noninvasive ultrasound  diagnostics. The questions of noninvasive skin diagnostics and ultrasound skin imaging are discussed here. Also you can find information about equipment and devices for skin imaging and ultrasound skin scanners DUB.  Only here extended information about the method of high resolution ultrasound skin diagnostics and interactive library of skin scans. Site for dermatologists, plastic surgeons and doctors working in  aesthetic medicine, also others interested in objective skin diagnostics .


High resolution digital ultrasound skin diagnostics it is new objective method, which is helpful for dermatologists, plastic surgeons and doctors working in  aesthetic medicine, also others interested in objective skin diagnostics.
External examination, palpation, scratch test etc., also dermatoscopy was the basic skin assesment methothd till present time. But this methods are inform us about external surface of the skin, not about deeper stuctures.  The next present step in skin diagnostics and gold standart - invasive method of biopsy and hystological study of tissue samples.

High resolution ultrasound skin imaging colses the gap between external methods of diagnostics and skin hystology. It is only one method which allow us to see all sin layers in vivo without skin damaging.

Normal human skin. Hystologycal sample and ultrasound scan 22MHz.
by the arrows are indicated epidermisis, dermis, sucutaneouse fat 

Skin morphology studying in vivo and monitoring of dynamics of morphological changes in the skin are necessary in dermatology, oncology, plastic surgery, aesthetic medicine, allergology, reumatology and some other fields of medicine.

Postoperative scarSkin tumorDeep wrincle on forehead
normothrophicceratofibromabefore treatment courseaftertreatment course

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